What's New?


We are excited to introduce the latest update to our SLAM surface tracking technology, designed to offer enhanced performance and reliability for augmented reality (AR) experiences. This release supports AFrame, Babylon, and Playcanvas.

Key Features and Improvements

  1. Enhanced Accuracy:

    • Improved tracking precision for more stable and accurate surface detection.

    • Reduced drift and increased robustness in diverse environments.

  2. Faster Initialization:

    • Quicker initialization times allowing for near-instantaneous surface recognition and interaction.

  3. Optimized Performance:

    • Smoother and more responsive tracking with reduced computational overhead.

    • Enhanced performance on a wide range of devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

  4. Improved Stability

    • Enhanced Algorithms: Maintain stable tracking even in challenging conditions such as low-light or dynamic environments.

  5. Increased Range

    • Extended Tracking Range: Enable larger and more complex AR interactions.

    • Improved Occlusion Handling: Better manage dynamic changes in the environment.

  6. User-Friendly Integration & UX Improvements

    • Simplified API and SDK Integration: Easier incorporation of advanced surface tracking into applications.

  7. Support for Multiple Engines

    • AFrame: Full compatibility with AFrame, allowing developers to create immersive WebAR experiences with ease.

    • Babylon: Seamless integration with Babylon, enabling high-quality 3D graphics and interactive AR applications.

    • Playcanvas: Support for Playcanvas, providing a powerful platform for developing interactive 3D WebAR content.

Enhanced User Interaction Control using New APIs

  1. SetUserGestureRotation(enabled):

    • This API allows you to enable or disable user rotation.

      1. enabled = true: Rotation is enabled.

      2. enabled = false: Rotation is disabled.

  2. SetUserGestureScale(enabled):

    • This API enables or disables user scaling.

      1. enabled = true: Rotation is enabled.

      2. enabled = false: Rotation is disabled.

Last updated