SignUp and Get a License
Get started by registering with us and create your free license.
To use the WebAR SDK you will need a License. You can build unlimited WebAR experiences with this license. These AR experiences work on every mobile device's browsers.
Refer the following to setup your account and start creating your AR experience:
Sign Up Process:
Now let us understand how to sign up and get a license.
To Sign Up or Login Click here or navigate to our website
Existing User? If you have already signed up, just log in with your email and password
New User? Click 'Sign up', fill out the form with the following details:
First Name
Last Name
Country of Residence
Reason for Using Blippar WebAR SDK
Click the check box to sign up for the monthly newsletter and get notified on new updates, features and offers from Blippar.
Click 'Continue'

You can choose to signup by using your existing Google account/Microsoft account or register with us by providing your information.
You will receive an email notification in your mailbox
Click on the ‘Verify’ to confirm your account setup
You will be redirected to the Login page
Login Process
Login to your account by providing the following:
User name: Registered Email ID
Password: set up during sign up
You can alternatively login to your account by visiting our website
Free Trial License

Click the icon 'Use WebAR SDK' to and you will be redirected to 'Your Licenses' section
Copy and utilize the 'Free Trail' license key to create your AR experience using any editor. You can create unlimited surface tracking or marker tracking experiences using any of the rendering engines such as A-frame, Babylon. js, PlayCanvas or Unity. You can also test and develop locally.

You can change or update your domain information or add image markers

The domain entered here must match where you will deploy the AR Experience. You can only change/update the domain for a license one-time before any views are utilized. A license key can be linked to only one specific domain.
If you don't have a domain yet, feel free to enter or any other domain, or just develop locally. You can always create a new license once your domain is setup.
The key will be emailed to your registered email address and be available on the HUB.
For more information on Licenses refer article Manage Your Licenses.