Learn various concept types and usage of nodes
This article explains the concept, types and usage of nodes along with examples.
Concept of Nodes
A node can be defined as a reference to a specific event or action that is applied for a single or multiple 3D objects in the scene for creating a flow-like structure to define the course of the AR experience. The following are the basic node concepts:
Add Node
Delete Node
Select the node and click 'Delete' Node
Node Connector and Node Pins
a) you can connect the event inputs to the required output and this is referred to as the 'Node connector' b) To delete: select the node connector, hold CMD (Command Key) > the node connector will turn RED , click the node connector to delete. c) To move/reposition: click the node connector and 'Dot' will appear. Use the 'Dot' to reposition the node connector. This is referred to as a 'Node Pin' d) To delete node: Click the 'Node Pin' , Hold Cmd (Command Key) > the node pin will turn ORANGE (When selected) and then RED for delete. Click to delete. e) Repeat same steps to delete the node connector.
Node from Object and Related Nodes
Create Node from Object and Select Related Nodes a) Select the object from the Design Canvas and click 'Create Node from Object', an object node will be created and displayed on the 'Actions and Events 'flow designer. b) Select Related Nodes: Click this icon and all the node related to a specific object will turn ORANGE. Easily move the entire set of related nodes to enable easy designing.
Node Categories
The following are the various categories of nodes:
a) Common Nodes
These nodes are easy to access and are displayed on the 'Action & Events' flow designer (Right panel). Use these nodes to quickly create a scene and access multiple event and action nodes to build your scene.
b) Event Nodes
These nodes can be identified with a GREEN tile. Event nodes are use to indicate a specific event to be triggered for an object. There are 4 types of event nodes: i) On Scene Start: Use this event to apply an action on an object to be triggered upon 'Scene' start. ii) On Tap: Use this event to initiate an action upon the tap of an object in the scene. iii) On Update: Use this event to initate an action upon an update of an object in the scene iv) On timeline event: use this event to initiate an action upon using the 'Event' tab in the animation timeline
Join the event node input with relevant output and also connect objects to the events to create a scene.
c) Action Nodes
These nodes can be identified with a BLACK tile. Action nodes are used to indicate a specific action on an object during the scene. It can be also used to identify a specific event and time frame.
There are multiple action nodes such as: 1) Set colour: In order to modify the colour of an object and initiate this action, connect to an event and define the relevant objects. For eg: On Tap> Set Colour (change colour)> object changes colour 2) Wait: In order to apply time intervals before another action begins. Ensure you modify the time as required. 3) Open UR: In order to trigger a response action of OPEN URL, ensure you link the action to an event. For eg: On Scene Tap>Open URL 4) Show/Hide: In order to show or hide an object in response as an action to an event. For eg: On Tap>of an object >show/hide another object. 5) Audio Controller: In order to apply audio controls, apply audio to specific objects etc. For eg: On Tap> of an object> play audio>use audio controller. You can choose various options as displayed in screen below:
6) Anime Clip Controller:In order to control the animation and apply necessary effect to specific object. For eg: On Tap> of one object>Control Anime clip (animation) of another object.
7) Fadein/Fadeout: In order to modify the opacity of an object and initiate this action, connect to an event and define the relevant objects. For eg: On Tap> Fade out (fade opacity of object)> object fades colour. 8) True/False: Use this action to define the true or false action and connect to an event. 9) Number: Use this action to indicate a number. Usually utilised time in seconds (time intervals) to trigger an action on an object after a few seconds. 10) Number: Define a time frame in seconds 11) Text Constant: Apply a text as a constant 12) Create from XYZ: Define the X, Y and Z axis for an action of an object 13) Branch: Apply branched events or multiple events for various scenarios. Eg: branch an event when 'object in True' and another event when 'False' 14) Event Connector: Use this to easily connect set of events to another set for easy mapping of the actions and events.
15) Specialised Action Node:You can also specific a specific object for an action node. For eg: Audio Controller or Anime Clip Controller. You can choose the object from the drop-drop int he object field. All object in the 'Design Canvas' will be available in the drop-down menu.
Object Nodes
Use specific nodes and create from Object.
All nodes
Right-click on 'Actions and Events' and select desired event to access advanced actions.
Perform advanced functions of triggering actions for objects.
Complex actions including variables, math, vectors etc
Multiple event nodes with enumerable options of actions are available. Select the desired event, object and action to apply advanced action nodes.
Event and action nodes are embedded with inputs sockets such as object, multiple objects, input event and output event sockets. Connect these sockets on the basis of the scene planned for the AR experience.
These sockets are used to join events, actions and objects. Input the correct objects, and events with the desired output and events to create a scene. Build a flow-like structure using these sockets.
Following are types:
Input Sockets
Input event socket watch for incoming signals (like taps, scene changes, or other external events). Upon receiving an input event, the node can perform calculations on its inputs and parameters, change properties on an object reference, and trigger output events.
Boolean: define boolean data
Input values (numbers, vectors, strings, booleans, and other simple data types) provide values for calculations performed by this node. If an input port is not connected to another node, this node can (optionally) display controls in the “parameters and/or input values” that allow the user to enter specific values to use for each parameter.
Output sockets are event sockets to indicate an output. Attach action and event nodes and specify objects.
Output values (none in this example node, but use the same symbols as input values) specify the result of calculations or tasks performed by this node.
Refer video below:
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