Publish to Socials

Learn how to publish your AR creations to social media platforms


Blippbuilder has now been upgraded to include a robust ‘Publish to Socials’ feature which enables the creator to easily share the AR creations with a simple click of a button directly onto various social media platforms including Linkedln, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Email.

You can also customize your post to include a desired title, description and cover image to make your post more visually appealing. You can also use the default settings that come with Blippbuilder and post directly or customize your post. Also, the reader can access your creation by simply clicking the post without scanning QR codes or using any external applications and this will automatically trigger the experience . Experience the power of publishing AR creations directly on social channels and build a superior image for your brand today!


To publish your AR creation directly on the social channels, consider the below example and follow the steps:

  • Login to Blippar HUB

  • Navigate to Blippbuilder and click ‘Create a WebAR Project’

  • Select the AR experience as ‘Around the User’

  • Give your project a suitable name and click ‘Continue’

  • You will be redirected to the Blippbuilder ‘Design Canvas’

  • Create your AR experience with Blippbuilder

  • Click on ‘Publish Project’

  • The following pop-up will appear on the screen

  • Navigate to the ‘Share you project’ section on this screen and choose the desired social channel by clicking the specific icon.

  • Blippbuilder will automatically create a post on your behalf with a title, description, link and the Experience itself, ready to publish on any of the channels as listed below:

  1. Linkedln

  2. Facebook

  3. Twitter

  4. Whatsapp

  5. Email

  • Consider the below example of publishing using ;Twitter’

  • A draft post is provided for preview by Blippbuilder. Click on ‘Tweet’ to send your post

  • The AR experience is posted on Twitter

Customize your Post

In order to customize your post, click on ‘Edit Share Settings’ as shown below:

  • You can include the following:

  • Header: Provide a Header/title to your Creation. This is for your reference

  • Link Text: provide a link to your creation

  • Add Description: Provide a brief description of your project

  • Add image: this will be the cover image of your post

Last updated